The triple dwarf variety 'Lal Bahadur' developed at Durgapura center became the trendsetter towards the development of high yielding non-lodging nutrient responsive varieties. The variety Raj 1482 is very much in demand for its quality characteristics, Raj 3077 in addition to high yield, is well adopted for timely sown, late sown and light to moderate saline/alkaline conditions, Raj 3765 & Raj 3777 have tolerance to high temperature and rusts and are suitable for normal to very late sowing conditions, Raj 4037, Raj 4083 and Raj 4079 are highly heat tolerant varieties for warmer areas, Raj Molya Rodhak-1 is a significant development to overcome the problem of Cereal Cyst Nematode (CCN). Development of Raj 4120 is an out- standing contribution of this station having resistance to Ug 99 (Stem rust), which is an emerging threat for wheat cultivation in India. Recently August, 2012, Raj 4229 (IR-TS) and Raj 4238 (IR-LS) were identified having good yield potential and rust resistant

It is to the credit of this station that the first dwarf mutant variety RDB-1 in the country was released from here and provided the genetic background for the development of dwarf varieties, a very important feature for barley crop. Other land marks have been the salinity tolerant BL-2 and CCN resistant 'Rajkiran' along with recently developed high yielding varieties RD 2035, RD 2552 having wide adaptability and suitability for saline conditions, RD 2503 and RD 2668 (Two rowed type) for malting purpose. Varieties RD 2624 and RD 2660 developed for rainfed conditions are fabulous contributions of this station. Recently, an excellent contribution of the station is the development of country's first dual purpose barley variety RD 2715 having good potential to produce grain as well as green fodder. Recently August, 2012, RD 2786 (IR-TS) and RD 2794 (Salinity tolerance) were identified having good yield potential and rust resistant.