Name of Scheme |
All India Network Research Project on Onion & Garlic |
Name of Incharge with Contact No. & Email |
Mobile: ...... Email: ...... |
Date of start of scheme |
2008 |
Major Objectives |
1. Development of high yielding varieties with long shelf life suited to different agroclimatic zones of the state.
2. Collection, evaluation and utilization of onion germplasm.
3. Development of onion varieties suitable for dehydration and industrial uses.
4. Determination of optimum standards of cultivation in relation to soil and climate.
5. Standardization of post harvest technology to minimize storage and transportation losses.
Major Achievements |
1. New High Yielding Varieties of onion viz., RO-1, RO-59 (Arpita) and RO -252 (Swati) were developed.
Staff Strength |
Teaching: 4 Non Teaching: 2 |
Awards/Recognition |
1. Got a Certificate of First prize for the best live demonstration of economical viable improved onion storages by Onion Research Project in the State Farmers Fair Held on February 25- 28, 2006 at Agriculture Research Station, Durgapura, Jaipur.
2. Project Director, Agricultural Technology Management Agency (ATMA), District-Jaipur gave a Certificate of First prize to Onion Research Project, ARS, Durgapura, Jaipur for the demonstration of improved technology to keep onion bulbs for longer period in different types of economical viable onion storages in the "Farmers fair held on January 23- 24, 2007" at Agriculture Research Station, Durgapura, Jaipur.
Onion: Varieties Developed-3 |

Onion is one of the most important commercial vegetable crops grown in Rajasthan. It occupies about 25 -30% area of the total vegetable crops in the state. It is predominantly a rabi season crop but in kharif season it accounts for about 10 -15% of the total production. The onion varieties RO-1 (copper red bulb, 2004) and RO-59 (red bulb, 2005) are the first released varieties of Rajasthan developed by this station. Recently, RO-252 (red bulb, 2011) variety has also been developed and released for cultivation in Rajasthan. Both RO 59 and RO 252 were also found suitable for kharif season.