Name of Scheme |
All India Coordinated Research Project on Groundnut |
Name of Incharge with Contact No. & Email |
Dr. Ashok Kumar Meena
Mobile No. 918432719252 Email: |
Date of start of scheme |
01.04.1980 |
Major Objectives |
1. Development of high yielding early maturing biotic and abiotic resistant varieties.
2. Development of new technologies for higher production of groundnut.
3. Dissemination of new technologies at farmers field.
Major Achievements |
1. Developed six high yielding varieties viz.,RS-1,RSB-87,RG-141,RG-382,RG-425,RG-510.
2. Developed ten production recommendations.
Staff Strength |
Teaching: 2 Non Teaching: 3 |
Groundnut: Varieties Developed-5 |

This center has developed high yielding varieties RG 425 - a semi spreading drought tolerant and collar rot resistant; RG 382 - a large seeded spreading type and RG 141 - a Spanish bunch type with moderate resistance to leaf spot, rust, collar rot and bud necrosis.