Name of Scheme |
Name of Incharge with Contact No. & Email |
Dr. S. S. Punia
Mobile No. 8005937536 Email: |
Date of start of scheme |
2001-02 (Earlier the scheme was part of AICRP on Pulses Improvement which was started on 1.4.1976) |
Major Objectives |
1. Development of high yielding varieties of mungbean, urdbean, lentil and field pea.
2. Development of production and protection technologies.
3. Maintenance breeding and supply of nucleus seed.
Major Achievements |
1. Developed & released mungbean varieties RMG-62,RMG-268,RMG-344 and RMG 492.
2. Developed IPM modules for mung,urd,lentil and field pea.
3. Pre and post emergence herbicides recommended for weed control.
4. A number of entries screened against biotic stress.
Staff Strength |
Teaching: 6 Non Teaching: 9 |
Field Pea: Variety Developed-1
Mungbean: Varieties Developed-7 |
RPG-3 variety was released for grain purpose has high yield potential along with high protein content and resistance to powdery mildew.

High yielding early maturing varieties like RMG 62, RMG 268, RMG 344, RMG 492, etc. with moderate tolerance to drought and web blight have been developed.