Schemes » AICRP on Arid Legumes

Name of Scheme National Network Research Project on Arid Legume
Name of Incharge with Contact No. & Email Dr. S. K. Jain

Mobile: 8824958070
Date of start of scheme 1986
Major Objectives 1. To develop high yielding varieties resistant to major pests and diseases.
2. To develop Production and protection recommendations.
3. To develop varieties with high gum content and good gum quality.
Major Achievements 1. Developed and released several varieties of Cluster bean. Notable among them are : RSG-1066,RSG-1055,RSG-1038,RSG-1002 and RSG-1003.
2. Developed recommendations for nutrient management, drought management and weed control for Cluster bean and cowpea.
3. Developed recommendations for control of BLB through streptocycline.
Staff Strength Teaching: 2
Non Teaching: 2
Awards/Recognition Choudhary Devi Lal Award (2008)
Clusterbean: Varieties Developed-12

Cowpea: Varieties Developed-6
High yielding, photo-insensitive varieties, with high gum content have been developed. The significant work has been done for the development of high yielding, early and medium maturing varieties like RGC- 936, RGC-1002, RGC-1003, RGC-1017, RGC-1033, RGC-1038, RGC-1055, RGC-1066 (unbranched), etc. These varieties are suitable for semi-arid conditions of the state.

High yielding, early maturing varieties have been developed with fawn coloured grain (RC 19) as well as white grain (RC 101). Besides this, RCV-7 has been developed for vegetable purpose.

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