Divisions » Division of Plant Pathology

Head of Division: Dr. R. K. Bagri, Professor (Plant Pathology)

[A]. Faculty:

S.No. Photo Name of Scientist Designation Specialization Mobile Email
1 Dr. R. K. Bagri Professor Vegetable Pathology 9414228249 rkbagri.ppath.rari@sknau.ac.in
2 Dr. P.S. Shekhawat Professor Wheat & Barley Pathology 9414783632 pdsingh87@yahoo.co.in
3 Dr. Nitin Chawla Astt. Professor Pathology 9414959417 nitinchawla.rari@sknau.ac.in
4 Dr. R. S. Sharma Astt. Professor Pathology 9414666981 rssharma.ppath@sknau.ac.in
5 Dr. Bhavya Mishra Astt. Professor Pathology 9400000000 bhavya.ppath@sknau.ac.in
5 Dr. Arvind M Astt. Professor Molecular Plant Pathology 8847086393 arvindm.ppath@sknau.ac.in

[B]. Facility Available:

1. Labs are equipped with basic facilities
2. Library
3. Plant health clinic for disease diagnosis

[C]. Thrust Area of Research:

1. Organic Management of root rot disease in Fenugreek
2. Biological control of blight disease in cumin
3. Biological control of Bacterial Leaf Blight
4. Development of multiple disease resistance in MULLaRP crops
5. Onion and Garlic disease Management
6. Vegetable disease Management

Other Divisions:

 Division of Agronomy

 Division of Soil Science & Agricultural Chemistry

 Division of Entomology

 Division of Nematology

 Division of Horticulture

 Division of Plant Breeding & Genetics

 Division of Statistics

 Division of Agricultural Economics

 Division of Agricultural Engineering