Divisions » Division of Entomology

Head of Division: Dr. A.S. Baloda, Professor (Entomology)

[A]. Faculty:

S.No. Photo Name of Scientist Designation Specialization Mobile Email
1 Dr. A.S. Baloda Professor Residual Toxicology 9414065091 arjunsingh_baloda@rediffmail.com
2 Dr. Birbal Bairwa Asstt. Professor Entomology 8960361811 birbal.ento.rari@sknau.ac.in
3 Dr. Anita Jat Asstt. Professor Entomology 7611003075 anitajat.ento.rari@sknau.ac.in
4 Dr. Mukesh Nitharwal Asstt. Professor Entomology 7597434146 mukeshnitharwal.ento@sknau.ac.in

[B]. Facility Available:

1. Pesticide residues lab to estimate residues of different pesticides.
2. Conference hall having capacity of more than 50 persons.
3. Insect museum and National museum of white grubs for visitors.
4. IPM laboratory for culturingvarious insects.

[C]. Thrust Area of Research:

1. Isolation, Identification and characterization of local strains of bioagents be initiated for the management of various insect pests.
2. Efficacy of new chemical molecules beexplored for the management of insect pests.
3. With the change in environmental scenario, its effect on the bionomic of insect pest may be studied.
4. Suitable strategy be planned to managewhitegrubs in kharif, termite and gram pod borer in Rabi season in the environmental condition of Rajasthan.
5. Survey and surveillance of insect pests of kharif and Rabi crops needs to be done so that they can be monitored and forecast for their endemic be done well in time.

Other Divisions:

 Division of Agronomy

 Division of Soil Science & Agricultural Chemistry

 Division of Nematology

 Division of Plant Pathology

 Division of Horticulture

 Division of Plant Breeding & Genetics

 Division of Statistics

 Division of Agricultural Economics

 Division of Agricultural Engineering