Divisions » Division of Horticulture

Head of Division: Dr. Uadal Singh, Professor (Horticulture)

[A]. Faculty:

S.No. Photo Name of Scientist Designation Specialization Mobile Email
1 Dr. Uadal Singh Professor Post harvest Management 9424482576 usingh.horti@sknau.ac.in
2 Dr. K. K. Meena Professor Pomology 9414063649 kkmeena.horti.rari@sknau.ac.in
3 Dr. Yogesh Kumar sharma Asstt. Professor Vegetable Science 9314240829 yogeshsharma.rari@sknau.ac.in
4 Dr. S. K. Bairwa Asstt. Professor Vegetable Breeding 9529487495 skbairwa.kvkdausa@sknau.ac.in

[B]. Facility Available:

1. Disease free & healthy vegetable, fruit & flower seedling growing facility
2. Protected cultivation
3. BOD, Autoclave, Seed germinator
4. Drip irrigation

[C]. Thrust Area of Research:

1. Developing high yielding and resistant varieties of vegetables in resilience with climate change
2. Testing and evaluation of different entries of vegetable crops.
3. Developing production and protection technologies of vegetables, fruits and flowers.
4. Introduction of new vegetable crops.
5. Agrotechnology of organic farming in mandate crops.

Other Divisions:

 Division of Agronomy

 Division of Soil Science & Agricultural Chemistry

 Division of Entomology

 Division of Nematology

 Division of Plant Pathology

 Division of Plant Breeding & Genetics

 Division of Statistics

 Division of Agricultural Economics

 Division of Agricultural Engineering