Short Term

Agro-technology for organic farming in mandate crops including medicinal plants.

Development of in-situ moisture conservation technology.

Development of farming system modules for raising economic status of farmers.

Enhancement of seed production of mandate crops with particular emphasis on pearl millet, groundnut and vegetables.

Enhancement of medicinal plant cultivation.

Management of weeds in standing crops

New Sowing windows in resilience with climate Change

Management of insect pests and diseases through eco-friendly techniques and the use of bio-pesticides/herbal products.

Development of bio-agents for various pest controls.

Isolation of Pheromones for eco-friendly pest management.

Suitable storage technology for reducing losses in different mandate crops.

Establishment of model demonstration-cum-HRD.

Development of package for organic farming in different crops.

Development of suitable processing techniques for value addition in different crops.
Long Term

Development of heat and moisture stress tolerance in wheat, barley, chickpea, pearl millet, groundnut and other kharif crops.

Development of varieties in mandate crops resistant to various diseases and pests.

Development of dual purpose (grain and fodder) varieties in pearl millet and barley.

Development of high quality malt varieties in barley.

Quality development in seed spices for export purpose.

Molecular characterization of varieties.

Characterization of drought tolerance mechanism in chickpea and pearl millet.

Studies on quality characteristics in wheat.

Developing climate resilient technologies against heat stress,frost and moisture stress.

Development of Integrated Farming System Module for small and marginal farmers.